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Terms & Conditions for all Festival Attendees


AWAKE: Oneness Tribe is a place where seekers in the local community can come together, be heard, be valued, and be seen. AWAKE acknowledges the value of being part of an open-minded community of people who are eager to learn and grow together. Every member’s unique personality and talents are valued and appreciated.


There are three founding principles of this organization:


  1. To form a local group of like-minded individuals dedicated to mental, physical and spiritual development. 

  2. Embrace diversity in all forms as an essential component of our growth and development as a collective.

  3. Apply the highest standards of excellence to our conduct not only with fellow Tribe members but with the world-at-large. "Be the change you hope to see in the world!"


In the spirit of these founding principles, we ask that you conduct yourself in the following manner:


  • Be responsible for the energy that you bring into this space.

  • Respect your body and understand its limits when engaging in activities at ONENESS FEST. Set boundaries in your interactions with others.

  • Respect the experience of others. Understand that each person in attendance is moving through their own journey and also has the right to set boundaries in their interactions with others.

  • Respect the space where we have come to gather and have an experience together. Clean up after yourself and, when possible, please leave the space better than you found it.


Any behaviors or actions that compromise the safety of yourself or others will not be tolerated and will be grounds for removal from the property. Behaviors include, but not limited to: physical, verbal, sexual harassment, dangerous use of equipment, use of alcohol/tobacco/drugs, possession of any type of weapon, and harassment on the basis of sex, gender, race, or religious/spiritual beliefs.  


  • Read and understand the RULES & REGULATIONS. You will be expected to know and be held accountable for its contents.

  • Respect all participants, including those whose spiritual tradition, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, race, and other ways of being differ from yours.

  • Possession/use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and weapons of any type are strictly prohibited.

  • Due to the safety hazard posed by broken glass, please do not bring glass containers.

  • Be quiet in designated quiet areas and ritual spaces and during designated quiet hours.

  • Be honest, trustworthy, and considerate in dealing with others, including ONENESS FEST Staff and volunteers, Good Templar Park Staff, and your fellow participants.

  • Respect the site, plants, animals, and all the Nature Spirits that dwell there.



Agreement Guidelines for all Festival Attendees


Your purchase of access to and/or participation in ONENESS FEST is acknowledgement and agreement to the following:


  • I have read the Terms & Conditions above, and agree to comply fully with them.

  • I will not sell or barter goods or services at ONENESS FEST, unless I am a registered vendor.

  • I will not bring anyone not pre-registered/identified on this or some other waiver form. All minors under my care at this ONENESS FEST are identified by name elsewhere on this registration.

  • I assume full responsibility for my personal welfare, personal property, and any minors who are under my care at the ONENESS FEST under all circumstances.

  • I assume full responsibility for my conduct related to the ONENESS FEST site environment, including its protection and conservation.

  • I understand that the ONENESS FEST is being held in a primitive camping area, and that I need to exercise caution to maintain the health and safety of myself and any minors under my care.

  • I understand that any medical, childcare, and other services at ONENESS FEST I choose to use for myself and/or minors in my care is completely at my own risk.

  • I understand that if I and/or the minors in my care choose not to comply with the ONENESS FEST Guidelines, I will be required to leave without refund and I agree to comply.

  • I agree to hold harmless AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, its directors, staff, volunteers, and associates as well as Good Templar Park, its owners, staff, volunteers, and associates for any personal injury or loss occurring to me or any minors under my care as a result of my participation in or connection with the ONENESS FEST under any circumstances.

  • I agree that in the event that the ONENESS FEST is canceled due to weather, fire, flood, other disasters, acts of terrorism, war, strike, government intervention or civil commotion, that no refund shall be given.



Waiver & Release of Liability for all Festival Attendees

In consideration of the risk of injury while participating in ONENESS FEST at Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134 produced by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe and its related and various activities (hereinafter referred to as the Activity), and in Consideration for the right to participate in the Activity, I hereby, for myself and for all minor children under my care, my/their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or personal representatives, knowingly and voluntarily enter into this Waiver and Release of Liability and hereby waive any and all rights, claims, or causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising out of my/our participation in the Activity, and do hereby release and forever discharge AWAKE: Oneness Tribe; Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134 as well as their owners, directors, officers, affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, or representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns, for any physical or psychological injury, including but not limited to illness, paralysis, death, damages, economical or emotional loss, that I or my minor children may suffer as a direct result of my/their participation in the Activity, including traveling to and from events related to this Activity.


I acknowledge that I/we are voluntarily participating in the aforementioned Activity and participating in the Activity entirely at my/our own risk. I am aware of the risks associated with traveling to and from as well as participating in this Activity, which may include, but are not limited to, physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability (including paralysis), economic or emotional loss, and death. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from my own or others’ negligence, conditions related to travel, or the condition of the Activity’s location. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from physical activities such as, but not limited to, workshop activities, classes, products or services, food consumption, participation in evening entertainment, or from camping activities. 


I understand that the Activity will take place in a primitive camping area, which itself presents risk. Nonetheless, I assume all related risks, both known or unknown to me, by my/our participation in this Activity, including travel to and from this Activity and during this Activity.


On behalf of myself and my minor child(ren), I agree to indemnify and hold harmless AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134 as well as their owners, directors, officers, affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, or representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns against any and all claims, suits, or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation, or other actions brought by me or anyone on my behalf or on behalf of my minor child(ren), including attorney’s fees and any related costs.


I acknowledge that AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134, as well as their owners, directors, officers, affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, or representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns are not responsible for errors, omissions, acts, or failures to act of any party or entity conducting a specific event or activity on behalf of AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134.


I had knowledge that this Activity may involve a test of a person’s physical and mental limits, may carry with it the potential for death, serious injury, and/or property loss. The risks may include, but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, lack of hydration, condition of participants, equipment, vehicular traffic, and actions of others, including but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, monitors, and for producers of the event.


I had knowledge of and I have carefully read this Waiver and Release of Liability, and I fully understand that it is a release of liability. I expressly agree to release and discharge AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134 as well as their owners, directors, officers, affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, or representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns, from any and all claims or causes of action and agree to voluntarily give up or waive any rights I otherwise have or may have to bring a legal action against AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134 as well as their owners, directors, officers, affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, or representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns for any death, personal injury, or property damage. To the extent that statute or case law does not prohibit releases for negligence, this release is also for negligence on the part of AWAKE: Oneness Tribe, Good Templar Park: 528 East Side Dr Geneva, IL 60134 as well as their owners, directors, officers, affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, or representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns.


In the event I should require medical care or treatment, I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment. I am aware and understand that I should carry my own Health Insurance. I understand that any medical, childcare, and other services at the Activity that I choose to use for myself or any minor children in my care is completely at my/our own risk, and that this Release and Waiver of Liability specifically applies to those rendering such medical, childcare, and other services as agents, staff and/or volunteers of AWAKE: Oneness Tribe. In the event that any damage to equipment or facilities occurs as a result of my or my minor child(ren)’s willful actions, neglect, or recklessness, I acknowledge and agree to be held liable for any and all costs associated with any actions of neglect or recklessness. 


This agreement was entered into at arm’s length, without any duress or coercion, and that is to be interpreted as an agreement between two parties of equal bargaining strength. I agree that this agreement is clear and unambiguous as to its terms, and that no other evidence will be used or admitted to alter or explain the terms of this agreement, but that it will be interpreted based on the language in accordance with the purpose for which it is entered into.


In the event that any portion contained within this Waiver and Release of Liability shall be deemed to be severable or invalid, or of any term, condition, for a use or portion of this agreement shall be determined to be unlawful or otherwise unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect, so long as the clause severed does not affect the intent of the parties. If the court should find any provision of this agreement to be invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting said provision that would become valid and enforceable, then said provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.


I grant AWAKE: Oneness Tribe permission to publish in print, electronic, or video format my likeness and the likeness of any minor children in my care or image or audio recordings of myself. I understand that the images and recordings may be used in, but are not limited to, the following: print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.


I grant AWAKE: Oneness Tribe permission to publish in electronic or video format video recordings of myself and any minor children in my care. I understand that the videos may be used in, but are not limited to, the following: print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.


COVID-19 Amendment: The individual festival attendee assumes all rights and risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic and understands that AWAKE: Oneness Tribe is not responsible for the health and safety of the festival participants. AWAKE: Oneness Tribe will follow local and federal regulations related to COVID-19 at the time of the event, which are subject to change from the time of ticket purchase. The ticket holder acknowledges that COVID-19 remains a health threat to individuals and the general public. COVID-19 is a highly transmissible disease which may be contracted or spread during the event and can result in serious health conditions, including death. AWAKE: Oneness Tribe is not responsible for any sickness, injury, or death resulting from contracting or spreading the COVID-19 virus. Ticket holders who refuse to abide by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe COVID-19 guidelines plus state, local, or federal guidelines enforced at the event will be removed from the event.


I affirm that I am 18 years or older, and that I both have the rights to and am freely opting into this agreement for myself and on behalf of any minor child(ren). I certify that I have read this agreement, that I fully understand its content, and that this Waiver and Release of Liability cannot be modified orally.



Minor Liability Release for all Festival Attendees​


As a parent or legal guardian, your purchase of access to and participation in ONENESS FEST is acknowledgement and agreement to the following, on behalf of yourself and for the child(ren) under your care/custody: 


Risk Factors: I understand and acknowledge that the use of the facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe involves risks including, but not limited to, the following: bodily injury, including but not limited to, permanent disability, paralysis, and death. These risks may result from a variety of circumstances, including the misuse of equipment or facilities. I fully understand and will instruct Minor that a) the activities may be risky and that risks of injury may include, without limitations, scrapes, bruises, cuts, and even more serious injuries such as serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death ("RISKS"). b) these RISKS and dangers may be caused by the Minor's own actions, or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Activities, the condition and layout of the premises and equipment, and/or the negligence or gross negligence of the "Releases" named below c) there may be other risks unknown to me or that are not readily foreseeable at this time.


Assumption of Risk: I am choosing to use the facilities owned, rented, operated by or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe at my own risk.  I understand that my decision to participate in Activities at a facility owned, rented, operated by or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe is voluntary. I assume full responsibility for all risks that may arise from using the facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe or from participating in activities at a facility owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe. Excepted from this section are any injuries caused by gross negligence or misconduct of any employee of AWAKE: Oneness Tribe.


Acknowledgement of Policies and Procedures: I acknowledge that I have read, know, and agree to all of the policies and procedures relating to the use of the facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe. I agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and policies set forth by the facility itself or by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe. I understand AWAKE: Oneness Tribe reserves the right to revoke or terminate my or Minor(s)’s use of the facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe for any violation of rules, regulations, or policies.


Release, Indemnify, and Defend: I hereby release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless AWAKE: Oneness Tribe and all directors, employees, and volunteers, past or present, from any claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses for any property damage, loss or theft, personal injury or illness, death, or other loss arising from the use of facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe. I hereby expressly authorize AWAKE: Oneness Tribe to use this waiver as multi-use-waiver until such as I revoke it in writing with notice to AWAKE: Oneness Tribe.


Prerequisite skills: I acknowledge that I or my Minor Participants have the skills, qualifications, and physical ability to properly and safely use the facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe.


Waiver: I hereby waive any protections afforded by any statute or law in any jurisdiction whose purpose and/or effect is to provide that a general release shall not extend to claims, material, or otherwise which the person giving the release does not know or suspect to exist at the time of executing the release. I am releasing unknown future claims.


Payment for damages: I agree to pay for any and all damages to any property or Release party caused by me or my Minor Participant willfully or otherwise.


Representatives: I enter into this agreement for myself as well as for my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.


Insurance: I understand that I am solely responsible for any medical, health, or personal injury costs relating to my use of facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe. I understand that I am strongly encouraged to have a medical physical exam and purchase health insurance prior to my use of the facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe.


Photographs & Video Recordings: I hereby grant AWAKE: Oneness Tribe permission to use the likeness of my picture in a photograph and/or video in any and all of its publications, including on the website, Facebook, and advertising without payment or any other consideration. I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of the AWAKE: Oneness Tribe and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize AWAKE: Oneness Tribe to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute photos or videos for purposes of publicizing the AWAKE: Oneness Tribe or for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my child’s pictures likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph or video. I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge AWAKE: Oneness Tribe from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization. On behalf of myself and my child, I have read this release before signing this form, and I fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this release.


I have read and understand this Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release form Liability and understand that it relates to surrendering valuable legal rights of the minor and myself.  I agree to be bound by all the terms of the Assumption of Risk, Medical Consent Waiver, and Indemnity Agreement. I give my consent for participation at facilities owned, rented, operated by, or managed by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe.



DISCLAIMER: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information, including but not limited to; text, graphics, images and other material contained on this Website are for informational purposes only. No material on this Site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


AWAKE: Oneness Tribe does not recommend, endorse, or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness, or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care or spiritual providers, or other information that may be contained on or available through this website. AWAKE: Oneness Tribe is not responsible nor liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or products that you obtain through this website.

The information provided by is for general information purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site or the information/services offered by third parties associated with the Site. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Site, reliance on any information provided on the Site, or services offered by third parties associated with the Site. Your use of the Site and your reliance on any information or service providers obtained through the Site is solely at your own risk.


© 2017 by AWAKE: Oneness Tribe

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